course on goldsoulsylvan Recent content in course on goldsoulsylvan Hugo -- en-us Copyright © 2020, Sylvan B. Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:53:59 +0100 Machine Learning Notes: Convolutional Neural Networks Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:53:59 +0100 Convolutional Neural Networks Say we have a image that is composed of multiple atomic elements, and we want to be able to identifty specific groupings of those elements within a specific image? How could we achieve this through Machine Learning? It turns out there is one approach that can achieve this - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). These allow us to take a input image, generate feature maps and given a set of parameters build up combinations of these features to (similarlly to LRs and MLPs), to determine a confidence rate of a specific combination being present in a given image. Machine Learning Notes: Multilayer Perceptron Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:42:57 +0100 This is a collection of notes I’m taking as I progress through the Introduction to Machine Learning course provided by Duke University at Coursera. This is a working document, it might eventually be split down into multiple documents at some point, but this is largely to aid in my memorisation of key knowledge from this course (and a chance to try out the cool Math and Diagram rendering in Hugo using Mermaid and Latex). Machine Learning Notes: Logistic Regression Tue, 30 Jul 2024 10:20:42 +0100 This is a collection of notes I’m taking as I progress through the Introduction to Machine Learning course provided by Duke University at Coursera. This is a working document, it might eventually be split down into multiple documents at some point, but this is largely to aid in my memorisation of key knowledge from this course (and a chance to try out the cool Math and Diagram rendering in Hugo using Mermaid and Latex).